Automation - Add To Workflow

**Note this field requires that you are integrated with Planning Center Online

This Automation will see all of your Workflows from your PCO account and allow you to add users with notes to those Workflows.

Unique options for this Automation entail a "Data To Add To Note" area and a "Workflow" dropdown.

The "Data To Add To Note" area is populated with all possible data for the entire class, up until the section you are on. This way you can capture data from past sections that the user has completed. The information checked off here will appear on the note area for your user in your PCO Workflow area.

The "Add To Workflow" dropdown is pre-populated with all the Workflows available inside your PCO account. When this Automation runs, it will automatically add users to the Workflow you choose here.

The logic for this Automation can be simplified as:

"If {This Input or Object} Is {This Value or Action} then add this user to my {PCO Workflow} Workflow with a note containing {Selected Data}


Automation - Save To Profile


Ministry Teams