Guide: Setting Up Growth Track in OnArk
This guide walks you through creating a digital experience for your growth track curriculum inside of the OnArk app. OnArk is a powerful all-in-one tool that allows you to create a seamless experience for your attendees to experience your digital growth track.
In This Guide:
Class 1 - Step One - Become a Member
This step is all about who your church is and will be heavy on the video content, so make sure you break your videos into smaller chunks to help keep your attendees engaged.
1. Church Story
Create a video with the lead pastor and maybe even the pastor’s wife, sharing the church’s story. Putting the faces of your leadership in this section helps your attendees understand the full story of the church and feel more connected. You can also include an overview of your core values here.
2. Core Values
Have your lead pastor or one of your other core leaders record a video walking through the four core values, Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference. Be sure to include your bible verses and fill in the blanks in the video. Once the video is edited, upload it to Youtube. Please copy the link to the video into your OnArk video section, and add fill-in-the-blanks at the specific times they appear in the video. When your attendees are taking the class, they will be able to fill-in-blanks right below the video the same way they would fill in the blanks in the book when they are in person.
3. Church Government & Finances
Again, create a video using a core leader from your church explaining your church structure and finances and upload it to YouTube. Add in your fill-in-the-blanks, and you are good to go.
4. Closing
Have a leader come and talk about what it means to be a church member and explain a little of what the following form will hold.
5. Become a Member Form
Create a custom form with all the information you want to collect about your new members. Their address is good information to collect here, so you have it for your records. You can also add your church covenant and a checkbox to click stating they agree to it.
** Remember, their name, email, and phone number are already collected when starting the class, so you do not need that.
6. Class Complete
Set up this section to explain what their best next step is. Once you have created your other classes, you can link them here to move to the next step if they are ready.
Class 2 - Step Two - Discover your Design
This class focuses on learning more about your attendees and discovering purpose. It will focus more on the tests and the results than the content.
1. Discovering Your Gifts And Test Intro
Create a video outlining why we care about understanding our personality and giftings. Include in your video your leader explaining the specifics of your personality test. Remind them to go with their gut response and to stay away from “sometimes.” Make sure your leader has looked at the system and taken the test before recording the video to explain what will happen clearly.
2. Personality Test
OnArk makes it easy to add a section type of “Test” and choose the test you want to use. Choose the DISC test type, or if you want to try something new, you can use the Enneagram as your personality test. OnArk will lead your attendees through all the questions and then calculate the results for them. There is no need to worry about walking your attendees through all the math and logic of finding their results.
3. Spiritual Gifts Test
Once again, click the “Test” section type and select the “Spiritual Gifts” test type. OnArk will automatically calculate the top three results for the results of the spiritual gifts test.
4. Outro
Record a video thanking them for attending this step and encouraging them to dive further into their results.
5. Class Complete
Again, you want to provide your attendees with the best next step, including a link to your next class.
Class 3 - Step Three - Join the Team
This class is all about showing the attendees what it means to serve on a team and connect to the best team.
Section 1 - Make A Difference
Record a video talking about what it means to make a difference and how the spiritual gifts and personality tests impact how the attendees can make a difference. Talk about what it means to begin serving.
Section 2 - What It Means To Serve
Create a video of one of your dream teamers, likely a leader, talking about what it means to serve on a team. This personal story from an attendee of your church helps people connect even more with your vision.
Section 3 - Dream Team Form
Create a custom form collecting all the information you need to join a team. You can include the “Ministry Teams” input that connects their test results to specific teams. In the “Ministry Teams” section of the app, you can set up all your teams, add descriptions, and link personality types to them to personalize the results to each individual attending your class. You can also use OnArk’s integrations with PCO to add your attendees to workflows and connect them directly with leaders, so your Growth Track team does not have to worry about people connecting to the right leader. Other information you may want to collect is the campus, the service time, and when they want to start serving.
Publish Your Classes
Once you have created your three classes, you are ready to publish and start sending out your church's custom links! It is easy to link your website to the classes using buttons or links to social media posts.